Here's one of the several Nasturtium vines in my garden that are busy trying to take over the world. This one has grown out of one of my compost/planting bins, has taken over the boysenberry vines on the fence, the paths, part of the adjoining beds, and is attempting to annex the aluminum ladders in our storage area. (Whatever can a flower do with a couple of ladders, I do not know!)
The good thing is, it is beautiful to look at, and yummy to eat. If you have an enthusiastic Nasturtium in your garden, here's a fun tip for the many luscious, juicy seeds that form. Next time you empty a jar of pickles, save the jar of juice in the fridge. Pick a bunch of Nasturtium seeds when they are nice and juicy (not too big), and blanch them in some salted water. Then put them into the pickle juice and let them soak for about a week (in the fridge of course). Voila! Now you have a delicious substitute for capers, only better because they are crunchier and have a wonderful little peppery kick to them. Enjoy.
Poetically yours, Pamela
Can you believe this is the one thing I can't get to grow here in CT. I don't know what my problem is because I see them in other gardens. I'll try again this year :)