Monday, June 6, 2011

Appreciating Exquisite Stitchery

...Say that three times fast!
This little pouch showcases a vintage embroidered flower.  The stitches are tiny and so perfect. I can't help thinking about the person who had the patience and talent to handstitch this precious little flower. This was a person who cared about the details and the quality of her/his work; a person who took the time to do it well, do it right. I admire that.

Let me just sound off a bit about something here; a pet peeve of mine... These days it's become common place to ridicule people who do things right, who care about the details and the quality of their work. If someone shows these qualities they are often labeled "Obsessive" and even "Anal". 

What the Heck!  To me it seems like an excuse to be lazy, not care, to do less than your best!  I'm not saying that everything should be a masterpiece... or that every endeavor needs to be perfect.  What I am saying is, we should be looking up to those who care enough to do their very best.  And that doing your best is something to aspire to.  Otherwise, what's the point?

Poetically yours,

Pouch #7

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